Bloganuary 2, 2024 | playtime

Dear World,

Define the noun, playtime

a period in the school day when children are allowed to go outside and play.
“they chant their tables before playtime”

Young boy at the top of a slide. Image source pexels dot com

I’m about to rinse the heck out of “playtime” and “inner child.” Bear with me.

To tell you the ‘God honest truth’, I haven’t the slightest idea of the last time I engaged in pure unadulterated fun and playtime like enjoying a jungle gym or going down a slide. What’s worse is that I can’t tell you the last time I even went to and participated in a games night with board or card games. Even worse is that I can’t tell you the last time I ran or ‘frolicked’ at a park or somewhere else suitable for frolicking and enjoyment in all my black girl joy.

Damn. That’s sad.

A few years ago, I wrote a piece wearing my professional writing hat about the importance of play for children. I spoke with an educator in my home country, and he emphasised the need to have allotted times for play. Essentially, ‘all work and no play will make Jill and John a dull girl and boy’.

In not so many words – I can’t remember exactly what he said – the excessive focus on school work and assignments while neglecting downtime contributes to a number of developmental and psychological concerns in children who grow to be adults lacking some well-needed playtime.

I shared that because we tend to associate playtime with children. Even the definition emphasises children. What happened to the adults? Is there an unwritten rule that states we become too grown for activities proven to reduce stress and improve mental, emotional, and physical health?

Now, I’m no expert on the matter – looks on my psychology degree and experience with mental health – … but I believe I’m qualified enough to say our lack of play is a major reason why we’re so gaddamn stressed and angry all the time.

We structure everything for our children and youth (below 18 years), dictating when they do what and how. Most of them carry that structure into their adult lives.

Young boy at the playground with other children in the background. Image source: pexels dot com

Whatever happened to the less rigid means of having fun and playing? Physical Education or Gym time (depending on where you are in the world) doesn’t count. That’s part of the rigidness I speak of.

I’m not saying that we should do away with structure all-together. If we do that, all hell will break loose. However, we could relax the intensity of the structure and make it known that it is actually okay to play.

Rest and relaxation are cool, but so is play.

Official definitions aside, playtime – to me – is whatever you make it to be. I used to enjoy being outside, going to a park, a beach, or a river. You know, a recreational space to frolick and have fun, perhaps to even break a sweat. But it can also be a night of games with food and drinks with old friends and new friends, or loved ones.

I hope to get back to those days where I can have playtime and tap into my inner child to play games. Let’s have a games day! Let’s have a games night! Let’s put our devices and our negative stressors to the sidelines and increase our endorphins with some playtime.

Young girl on a swing. Image source: pexels dot com

The Lesson

It’s no coincidence that playtime is defined as being for children or of child-like things. We all need to explore our inner child and go back to having playtime as a means of stress relief and release.

Alongside our responsibilities, we should not forget to support the inner workings and needs of our core selves. Though we don’t live in an ideal world where children and adults have time to play, we should all try to prioritise the stresslessness of play. It’s about not being worried or work-focused 24/7 – 7 days a week. Think playtime. Think inner child. Think release. Think hakuna matata.

I’m so sick of tasks and to-do lists. Aren’t you?

Whadya say? Will you make more time – planned and unplanned – for play? A games night, a games day, a trip to the river, beach, or the park. I wanna swing on a swing and go down a slide.

Making sense?

Signed in pensive thought,

The Suburban Girl JA

3 Replies to “Bloganuary 2, 2024 | playtime”

  1. I really enjoyed your take on playtime. That made me think for sure about how much unstructured, unplanned time to I spend relaxing, playing, having fun…… For me, I have been to and hosted a couple of games nights and I really enjoy it, it is always fun and engaging but so far between in terms of time.. whereas when we were kids we played everyday in school and after school. I do hope we find back that fun loving spirit in 2024. All the best to US lol 🙂

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    1. Thank you so much, Celeste! Yes, indeed! I don’t verbalise it often, but I take in your playtime content quite a bit, and I have to say how much I enjoy it. It’s like I live vicariously through you 😆. Generally though, wi turn big people and often forget that we need to play and run up and down sometimes. Hopefully, we’ll make more time to play.

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