Bloganuary 4, 2024 | the greatest gift

Dear World,

Define the noun, gift


a thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present.

If we’ve spoken about the various love languages up to the end of 2023, I probably mentioned one or two of the prominent ones like touch or acts of service as being high-ranking for my life. However, that has changed. Truth be told, my love language is all of them in the right amount to mix the ‘perfect’ blend. Nothing in life is perfect, so I’d rather say “as close to a perfect blend.”

In any event, I am here today to tell you about gifts, especially the ones that I’d prefer to receive. I won’t even speak too much in the voice of a technocrat with the alphabet soups and the highfalutin words and phrases.

I might be tagged as superficial for this, but opinions are opinions. We live in a predominantly superficial world, and my explanation for self-defense will be a waste of energy.

Generally, I don’t like receiving gifts because a bad taste has been left in my mouth wherein most of the things done for me or given to me have been indirectly thrown back in my face. So, I’d rather gift myself things than receive them from others.

Wrapped gifts. Image source: pexels dot com

Regardless, small (not necessarily in size) and ‘the thought that counts’ gifts are great. They’re cute. Don’t get me wrong. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be wined and dined and gifted? I love that kinda stuff. But I know they only serve to fuel the fight among my id, ego, and super ego. They fuel the constant need for instant gratification. Sometimes, we should delay those desires. Feel me?


However, if the gift can’t help me to progress in life, in the long run, they don’t serve that big of a purpose in making life better. They’re nice to receive for short-term comfort, for sure! That’s nice, too. However, short-term comforts can’t and won’t fulfil long-term needs and desires. They’re liabilities. They hold you down and slow you down.

I don’t want too many liabilities in my life. This is especially true if neither the gift giver nor the receiver can afford to have liabilities.

By all means, gift me the ‘thought that counts gifts’. But don’t overdo it. Please.

To really win me over, I need me some assets. That’s the greatest type of gift for me. You know, the gifts that will build me up and set me right for the future. I’m talking bout investments of the right kind. Pay for a course of study that I want because it’ll help elevate me career-wise and skill-wise, pay to cancel out any debt, pay to gift me properties. You know, house and land type shit that appreciates overtime as opposed to depreciation. I want deeds, titles, a Trust, even – for generational wealth, or just the right accounts to spend on myself kinda things. See where I’m going with this?

Like, why gift me brand name clothes that does nothing for the environment, the pocket, or long-term development? For example, when more sustainable, cost effective, and durable, etc, items are out there? In the end, most of our clothes end up in wasteland when we’re through with them anyway.

Don’t get it twisted, if I’m not gifted the assets or the ‘thought that counts’ that I desire, I have no problem getting them for myself. I generally live life like that anyway. It’ll probably take me a longer time, but I’m gonna get it. From me to me with lots of love. I’ll even gift wrap or add a bow and give myself the gift hand-over speech. I will also respond with the gratitude speech. Otherwise, I’ll do without it. Don’t play.

Fun, jokes, and seriousness aside – we should be more thoughtful, purposeful, and forward-thinking with the gifts we give.

What about you? What’s the greatest gift for you?

Signed in pensive thought,

The Suburban Girl JA

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